As the quote you get out of the fortune cookie after a meal in an Oriental restaurant seems to be just the right saying for you at the moment, so does the quote you choose blindly out of a basket full of fortune cookie sayings, is the perfect thought for you to be writing about at the very moment you read it.
This is a very good writing prompt to use when ideas dry up or you are having a blank day. Copy a bunch of the quotes on line, put them in a basket & let them sit for a day when your muse has gone out wandering.
We recently did this in my writing group.

This is my result:
Much More Grows in the Garden Than What is Planted There.
(Fortune cookie saying)
When I take photos of my garden at dusk or dawn
I catch the fairies dancing, playing,
caring for the herbs & flowers
planted there
adding more of their own design
the beautiful moon flowers must be a favorite
for they, too rest when the sun goes down
by closing up their petals as large,
as white as the silvery moon that shines
the fairies seemingly disappear at night, too
but I know that is when they add
to the beauty of my garden
by kissing the seeds to help them bloom
after the rain plumps them up
& the soil wraps them in a loving hug
the sun follows up with a brilliant beam
to encourage their growth
thanks go to them daily
for the colors of the season
as I sit to reflect in my garden of joy