UncategorizedTTOT-21.02.26. February 26, 2021 Arlene Lost is Austen film for Jane Austen fans gives me deep belly laughs even though the American version cuts out some great scenes.Deadlines for February are met.Bitter cold weather has left us for this year.Scratching posts for indoor catsArtists who make life better because of their artwork.My days last week without electricity are over.Other writers.TED talks.Holidays, all of them, they give us a break in daily living.All the people in my life.
UncategorizedMPP-Ocean February 22, 2021 Arlene Photo by Albert Stephens on Unsplash The Ocean arlene s bice Created of small drops of water a salted sea that fills the world its ebb and flow like thoughts of the mind rise and crash of waves like changes of heart constant movement inspirer of dreams whether seaside or sailing across its surface.
UncategorizedTTOT-21.02.19. February 19, 2021 Arlene Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash Repairmen/womenElectricityInternetCandlesFlashlightsAfghansFireplaceBooksTuna fishCanned salmon
UncategorizedSSS-kaliedscope February 17, 2021 Arlene Image by magdahertzberg from Pixabay Why is the first time for any experience, good or bad, always remembered vividly when brought to mind. Easily, this one popped into my head with electrifying response from just a word. I remember this one so well, joyfully, of a foot -long, fat, cardboard tube. It was placed into my hands with instructions to look into the tiny hole and twist. I was a youngster of under 10 years of age holding an amazing, new object setting my imagination awhirl. The kaliedoscope was a world of color, shapes, and marvel, changing as I twirled with such ease, just like my life has done since those early years.
UncategorizedSSS-plow February 11, 2021 Arlene Image by H. B. from Pixabay The snow falling ever so gently coming down Brought memories of youth, country and town Snow angels, snowmen and ladies, too Brought joy, wet mittens and hands so blue Times change and with it, my new snow plow Brought growing up, earning money somehow.
UncategorizedMonPoePro February 8, 2021 Arlene Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash I walked into town to stretch my legs a bit Especially on such a beautiful day Just to window shop, which is my way Of saving money or at least not spending But one shop called me to a huge, lucky sale I knew it would lift my spirit, never does it fail And help this small business, too. (C)
UncategorizedTTOT-21.02.05. February 4, 2021 Arlene My car, it’s small, it fits me, reliable, has get-up-n-go, doesn’t hog gasoline and it even shows a smiley face.Poetry- it wasn’t my first choice to write, but it has so many benefits in writing or reading my own or someone else’s.My writing groups. I dearly love my –two writing groups.Reading other peoples’ posts. Loving the Jane Austen –related ones right now. I have been a Janeite for a long time.Re-reading Stephanie Barron’s Jane Austen mysteries-so well written in JA style and vocabulary, intricate story and accurate JA life entwined.The promise of warmer days ahead.Being a member of TAF.The ability to read.The ability to write.The new heater I am still paying for a year after it was installed. Thankful for the warmth.
UncategorizedSSS-mark February 4, 2021 Arlene Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash “You mark my words!” She said. Pointing an angry finger at me. I did. Then proceeded to do what I wanted. And it was good.
UncategorizedMonPoePro 21.02.01. February 2, 2021 Arlene Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash Pretty pastel candy heartsWords, sweets and tartsBring back school days of oldTeasing, pleasing, many boldAll counted at the end of the dayHow many did you get?