Coming soon. . .
Her words are everywhere! Jane Austen quotes show up in the least likely places, i.e. cozy mysteries, magazine articles about writing, blogs, advice on anything to do with life, and you’ll find a JA quote to answer it.
I have read many articles and the openings of stories by seeing this most famous JA quote: “It is a truth univers-ally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” No need to identify the writer, everyone knows it on sight!
The words of Jane Austen are relevant to us today in many matters that touch our hearts, open our minds and expand our imaginations. I have found wit, wisdom, joy, and answers to my modern day world in reading her stories, quotes, and letters. Laugh out loud is there, too, and often.
Virginia Woolf (A Room of One’s Own) and famous essayist wrote about JA in 1913 again in 1924, 1925 and again, and again . . .
The great novelist E.M. Forster, 1879 – 1970 states “I am a Jane Austenite, and, therefore, slightly imbecile about Jane Austen. “
“What would Jane Austen say?” is the new game being played even though JA opinions are not known per se.
What is it about JA and her novels that keep each new generation enthralled?