Did You Know About?
Roses, Cardinals, Angels, Perfume, Butterflies, Pennies..all sent from the Afterlife.
Stories of: Navy Man Refuses to Leave, Friends Forever, Mirrors Don’t Lie, .Kids Playing, Haunted Theatres, Strange Sights, Heart of Stone. . . many more.
Excerpts: Emanuel Episcopal Church: The photo revealed a spirit sitting next to him (Craig) and relaxing while Craig gave the background and history of the Rosenwald Schools in Warren County! Karen Comes for a Visit to Oakley Hall: “A woman’s voice calls my name, K-a-r-e-n- she’ll say it like she wants me to come to her or maybe she just wants me to know that she is here. My husband Chuck didn’t quite believe when I said they sit on the bed and touch me while I’m sleeping. Then it happened to him. They poke him.
Books may be purchased at Oakley Hall Antiques & Art at 110 N. Main St. Warrenton NC or Amazon.com