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Rumors and other short stories – A variety to bring warm smiles to your face, deep thoughts and simple contentment to the reader. Twelve are true stories and twelve are ‘could have been’ fiction. All will take you out of your world and into the world of another.
Conversations – with Lisa Baron Ph.D, LCSW and Dee Stribling PhD. We three women of a certain age, offer essays of our experiences, blended with information received from 11 women interviewed from a diverse ethnic, economic, culture and locations of the country.
Running With the Horses – Horse races weren’t all we enjoyed. We shared a curious mind, a thirst for faraway places with strange sounding names and foods prepared in unfamiliar manners.
Ghosts along the Border (NC & VA) – Stories come straight from the heart of those who received messages and are sharing them with you. Is there life after life? Yes!
Simply Put – A collection of poetry to share many experiences that open minds, words that sometimes come from family and loved ones who have passed over.
Nosegay of Violets – A writer’s memoir of psychic awakening where an ordinary girl grows into womanhood while experiencing extraordinary moments.
The Afternoon Crowd – a memoir in narrative prose poetry. Tending bar in the ‘70s in New Egypt (NJ) where many customers worked with horse racing; laughter and a touch of the good ole days.
Living with Ghosts – True stories of New Jersey where a comfortable home was provided to many spirits who never wanted to leave. Everyday people tell of extraordinary experiences.
Ghostly Spirits Warren County, NC & Beyond – A candle in the window, a man who walks through walls; Hear stories of those who wish to remain in their place on earth.
Major Fraser’s – The history of a house is like finding an old letters unfolding lives of forgotten relatives. It’s a book of early Bordentown (NJ) where the imprint of those lives still remain.
Life & Labyrinth – Past, Present, and Future. A memoir told in short stories and poetry form. Experiences of travel, of growing up, even a story or two of a ghostly spirit.
Haunted Bordentown (NJ) – Schiffer Publishing. History has left its imprint of past lives. Are there ghosts in the Clara Barton schoolhouse? A crying woman was heard from a secret room next to the Quaker Meeting House. Authentic stories told by people who lived the experiences.
Ghosts of Bordentown (NJ) – Footsteps on the stairs, a fierce man in a bowler hat, a telephone that rings, Victorian dinner parties, a grandmother who saves lives, a little girl with a candle, an animal lover; these and more. Out of print.
What it is to be a Woman- Prose & Poetry – Women’s stories aired for the first time in print, defending their choices in life; at home tending a family or striking out into the wilderness.
Jane Austen, an anthology of thoughts & opinions – Why do we still read and discuss Jane Austen’s novels 200 years after she has passed away? Read on and you will learn.
Fraser Firs, Palm Trees & Spanish Moss, Christmases Remembered – Stories that make you smile, laugh out loud and maybe remind you of a few memories of your own.
Tuesday Afternoon, a writers’ group anthology – When a room fills with writers, magic happens. We have the perfect six! Prose and poetry to entertain the thinking reader.
What If? a writers group anthology – Many images arise from those two small words. Thoughts are shared in poetry form.
Seasons: An Anthology Monday Morning Writers – The reader steps into other lives like finding leaves fallen from a tree. These words are for all ages to read and enjoy.
Insights/Outsights, Anthology – Monday Morning Writers – Our words show growth for we are ever changing, evolving, become stronger and more beautiful.
Images of America Series; Arcadia Publishing Co.
Bordentown – Settled in 1682 by Quaker Thomas Farnsworth who found a key location on the Delaware River. Including 200 vintage photographs.
Bordentown Revisited – This book highlights the memorable growth of an area located at the kink of the Delaware River. A book of photos and history.
New Egypt & Plumsted Twp. – Offering a collection of unique vintage photographs, many of which have never been published along with its history.
Bordentown Post Cards – with Patti DeSantis. A picture book of postcards printed about Bordentown for over 100 years.