
The Time has Come….

A car is like a mate….if you cannot trust or rely on it, him, her, it’s time to move on! I said my good-byes to The Coop. I had so much fun driving the Mini Cooper that I held onto to it until
I lost complete faith and trust in it…..just like the marriage???? CarMax in Lynchburg (VA) was fabulous!. Even though I didn’t buy my car there, I bought a car from an individual, they were courteous, professional, competent, and generous. I hope I never have to do this again. If so, I would go to CarMax first!

Here is my BlueBelle a 2015 Ford Focus hatchback. The first Ford I’ve owned since my beloved turquoise Ford Mustang back in the early 70s.. Another car I loved even though the heater never warmed up until I arrived at my destination-no matter the distance or how cold it was in Jersey.

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