anthology, family, journaling, reflection, Uncategorized, women, women writers, writing, WRITING MEMOIR, writing prompt

What’s Your Story?

Overlooking My Ancestors

You know, we all have one. It’s different from everyone else’s. When I first began to write down my story in 10 years of writing classes during the IWWG (International Women’s Writing Guild) Annual Conference, I begrudgingly let out one incident at a time. Like I was sharing a favorite candy bar as a kid. Not wanting to give away too much. Things I hadn’t talked about in years. Things that were stuffed way down inside me like I was hiding a treasure that no one else knew was there. And no one did because I never talked about those things. Hah! Once I began writing, all those stored up memories came tumbling out. Boy! Did it feel good! Like unloading a heavy sack of potatoes off my shoulders.

Has anyone informed you how satisfying it is to write your story? It’s wonderful to write about your ancestors, too. You will get to know them, especially if you have never met them. Unfortunately, there is a lot you can only surmise between the recorded facts. Their personalities will show up as you write. Information may even come to you in dreams where our loved ones sometimes place ideas and messages. Really. It is true. Trust it.

But it’s also true that you are the only one who can tell your story as you experienced it. Your thoughts, impressions, joys and sorrows remembered as only you can. It is a trip back into your past where the pains aren’t so awful as they once were, and the joys are even greater. If you don’t know how to start or where to begin…just write anything, the ABC’s even and your pen, pencil or computer will take over. It’s like opening the flood gates. Remember to write how you felt. I had trouble with that one. I’m still shy about it sometimes.

anthology, family, genealogy, general, psychic phenomena, Tarot Cards, women, women writers

Here’s the Ancestor Skinny

We all have family stories. Some funny. Some tragic. All worthy of telling. One of my grandmothers was born with a veil leading her to be an intuitive tarot card reader. The family story came to me that one day she was reading for a client, when all of a sudden, she yelped, “go home. Go home immediately! Your house is on fire and the baby is sleeping in his crib upstairs!”

The lady rushed home to find her mother dozing in the living room chair. She raced upstairs where her 4 year old, playing with a pack of matches, accidentally set the curtains on fire. The woman doused the fire easily and checked on the baby sleeping peacefully in the crib, unaware and unharmed. My grandmother prevented what could have been a terrible tragedy.

If you don’t have exact dates or certificates, it’s okay. It helps if you have general time periods. Imaging your story is easier if you do. Did you have a favorite aunt or uncle, maybe a grandparent story? How about someone in the family that brings a smile when you think of them. If so, write it down. Enjoy yourself as you write it. Your smiling shines through your words. It’s like being entertained by a movie you are writing. And the truth is, I’m seeking submissions for this year’s Ancestor Anthology. Send me a message or go to my website contact page.

Photo thanks to petr-sidorov @unsplash

anthology, Poetry, women, women writers, women's stories, wormen writing

A Good Read . . .What it is to be a Woman


Over many years, I talked and listened to women tell their stories. Whether I waited tables, tended bar, sold or appraised real estate, or leaned on the counter near the cash register on a quiet afternoon in my book shop. I mention the last item because a quiet afternoon in a small town book shop was perfect for a conversation with a woman who needed to release her story to someone who would listen. It didn’t need to be a close friend, maybe even better because I wasn’t. Each one of those stories, though not written here, were not forgotten by me, is honored with this publication. They reveal the various lives we have lived as women.

An anthology is the perfect vehicle to reveal stories untold; to explain, represent and disclose. Like a whisper in my ear from a feminine ancestor, the idea slid right into my mind. It wouldn’t let me sleep until I put thought into action.  Timing is perfect, I said to myself. Women’s achievements of the past are now coming out of vintage trunks. There are tales of heroines of long and not so long ago. Women who made great changes behind the scenes are stepping into limelight they deserve. No more hiding behind curtains or in the backroom.

Reading Jeanmarie Evelly’s History of a Body inRattle #66 set me on fire! It boiled the blood in my veins! It slapped me alert! Excitement charged through me as images passed in front of my eyes. I needed to invite women to tell their stories. I wondered how many women experienced incidents only because they were female. I felt their stories could only be told correctly and completely by them.

It is time to let the world read our words; words reveal who we were, how we lived, loved, and who we are today. We went unnoticed, doing great things in small ways. We influenced others with our quiet deeds.

We postponed and sacrificed our dreams to benefit ones we loved and never mentioned it. Let each reader laugh or cry, cheer for us, or get angry at what happened. Let some disagree with our decisions or shout ‘Brava!’

                                    With kindness and respect,

                                    Arlene S. Bice

anthology, Poetry, Warren Artists' Market, warren county nc


For those of you who may not know -Oakley Hall Antiques & Art at 119 N. Main St. in Warrenton NC carries our Warren Artists Market (WAM) anthologies, i.e. Inspirations (all about Warren County) and our newest anthology This I Know. Both have many Warren County writers represented. Stop in Wed. – Sat. to pick up your copy. They also make great gifts!

anthology, books, Bordentown, family, Memoir, New book release, reflection, women, women's stories, wormen writing

ANNOUNCING. . .my inclusion of “Giving Life and Taking It”

ANNOUNCING…Giving Life and Taking It, my personal story, has been published in Writing Menopause, editors Jane Cawthorne and E. D. Morin. It is now available on Amazon at $22.89 (I think in Canadian money.) I’m honored to be published among such notable writers and groundbreaking editors.
From Amazon: The Writing Menopause literary anthology is a diverse and robust collection about menopause: a highly charged and often undervalued transformation. It includes over fifty works of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, interviews and cross-genre pieces from contributors across Canada and the United States that break new ground in portraying menopause in literature. The collection includes literary work from award-winning writers such as Roberta Rees, Margaret Macpherson, Lisa Couturier and Rona Altrows. Emerging voices such as Rea Tarvydas, Leanna McLennan, Steve Passey and Gemma Meharchand, and an original interview with trans educator and pioneering filmmaker Buck Angel, are also featured. This anthology fills a sizable gap, finding the ground between punchline and pathology, between saccharine inspiration and existential gloom. The authors neither celebrate nor demonize menopause. These are diverse depictions, sometimes lighthearted, but just as often dark and scary. Some voices embrace the prospect of change, others dread it. Together, this unique offering reflects the varied experience of menopause and shatters common stereotypes.

anthology, Poetry, reflection, Warren Artists' Market, warren county nc, writing


2014 & 2015 ANTHOLOGY

The Warren County Anthology (working title) submissions considered are: poetry, and personal impression. Only one prose piece will be accepted per writer; the maximum is 1500 words per piece. You may submit up to 3 poems; maximum-30 lines per poem. Include a bio up to 75 words. Submissions must meet our guidelines to be accepted, include a bio.

Write about anything relating to Warren County, North Carolina i.e. about your living here, having family here, visited here, been impressed by reading about it, or seeing it through the eyes of another.

The anthology is open to all writers. Place your contact information in the upper left hand corner of each page submitted. Name, address, and email.

Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2016. You will be notified of acceptance by June 30. The anthology will be available for purchase by Nov. 15, 2016.

Mail your submissions and inquiries to: or

The Warren Artists’ Market; Arlene Bice, Thomas Park, Sterling Cheston, Vernita (Nana Vee) Terry.

anthology, booksigning, First Friday Poetry Night, Warren Artists' Market


20151106_21275920151106_21075820151106_212937Big hugs and bigger thanks to all who came to the WAM 2nd annual anthology Book Release Reception on Friday the 6th. You made it a huge success and made us WAM folks walk on air in delight. Area writers in the anthology and featured readers were Cat Graham, LaVerne Gardner, D. Bernard Alston, Joyce Lindenmuth, Deanie Carter, Maggie Chalifoux, Jenny G. Gray, Swen Gerards, Sandra Butler Tubbs, Jack Peachum, Michael Layne, and of course, Thomas Park, and me. Sherman Johnson read his special poem about an 11 year old girl that touched us all. Chris Hunter sang a perfect ending for a perfect night.
The Warren FoodWorks presented a delectable array of hors’d oeuvres. Sterling Cheston carried us into and maintained our party atmosphere with his perfect music selections. Our sponsors, Dr. & Mrs. Cosmos George and John Earl Alston, are held in sincere honor for helping us bring our community together and in keeping the arts alive in Warren County. Also thanks to Jennifer Harris of the Warren Record for printing the article that called many listeners to join in.

anthology, booksigning, First Friday Poetry Night, New book release, Poetry


DSCF3983   The Warren Artists’ Market (WAM) founder, Thomas Park has announced the completion of Preserved Life: Memories, a 2nd annual anthology. The book features 52 writers, at least 13 from Warren County, including poems from the late, respected, hometown writer Edwina Rooker. Submissions came from as far away as India.

The Book Release reception is scheduled to blend with WAM’s traditional First Friday Poetry Night on November 6, held at Warren FoodWorks, 108 S. Main Street, Warrenton, from 7 until 9 p. m. Local writers have been invited to read from their work. The event is open mic. Others who are not in the anthology are welcome to read also.

The 253 page book will be available for $15 each. Refreshments will be served. There is no admission fee.

The Artists’ Collective hosts First Friday Poetry Nights, book readings/signings for local authors, mural workshops, writing groups, drumming, and after-school tutoring.

anthology, books, wormen writing


   Over a period of ten years, I attended the Annual International Women Writers’ Conference of Remember the Magic at Skidmore in Saratoga Springs, New York. Each year I came away with writing ideas and guidance that had never entered my mind. I also attended A Writing Retreat weekends in Ohio where the same thing happened. I came home filled with enthusiasm and different approaches to writing.

Changing where you write is something that enhances your writing, gives a fresh new look to something you may have been working on for awhile. Writers need writers. It’s absolutely fulfilling to sit and talk with other writers. There is something about it, not quite like looking into a mirror but a sharing of struggle, accomplishment; of maybe sharing the same talent. An ending you’ve been scratching around for; some little pocket of information that has escaped you.

With that said, let me introduce you to an opportunity that may be just what you need:

DSCF3607 Two books by Jyoti Wind; one written and one edited

The Revolution of Writing
A Women’s Writing Seminar
What if a group of women gathered to write, to express themselves, voicing thoughts and feelings that would have been heretical 150 years ago, let alone the conversation and dress. What if this innocuous writing group was a front for a different model, a present day model of revolution.

Using Fairy Tales, Guided Meditation, Labyrinth walk, and writing prompts, we will have an opportunity to share heartfelt experiences, enhance our writing agility, and open mind-doors to other ways of perceiving life.
Move away from the harbor where you presently are and journey down the coast of our collective evolution.
Please join me for this 2 day Writing Seminar in beautiful Boulder, CO this Summer on July 18 and 19, 2015. Saturday and Sunday, 10-4PM. $200. Each day we will have a 1 ½ hour break for lunch. Lunch is on your own.

Exact location given on registration and payment.

Consider coming ahead of time or staying afterwards to enjoy what Boulder and the surrounding mountainous region has to offer. For hotel and dining info:

Jyoti Wind has been a writer of poetry and prose since childhood. She has facilitated women’s writing groups for 12 years, led workshops on self-publishing, been a member of The Poetry Society of Colorado and the International Women’s Writing Guild. She also edits manuscripts and coaches those stepping into the self-publishing field. Jyoti has self-published 8 books, including 4 anthologies. Her work has been published in Elephant Journal, Crone Magazine, and various blogs and newsletters. Payment through Paypal or check to: 2635 Mapleton Ave. #9, Boulder, CO 80304 303.541-9106