2014 & 2015 ANTHOLOGY
The Warren County Anthology (working title) submissions considered are: poetry, and personal impression. Only one prose piece will be accepted per writer; the maximum is 1500 words per piece. You may submit up to 3 poems; maximum-30 lines per poem. Include a bio up to 75 words. Submissions must meet our guidelines to be accepted, include a bio.
Write about anything relating to Warren County, North Carolina i.e. about your living here, having family here, visited here, been impressed by reading about it, or seeing it through the eyes of another.
The anthology is open to all writers. Place your contact information in the upper left hand corner of each page submitted. Name, address, and email.
Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2016. You will be notified of acceptance by June 30. The anthology will be available for purchase by Nov. 15, 2016.
Mail your submissions and inquiries to: haywoodpark@yahoo.com or arlenebice1633@gmail.com
The Warren Artists’ Market; Arlene Bice, Thomas Park, Sterling Cheston, Vernita (Nana Vee) Terry.