bya memoir by Cheng Wang (review by Arlene S. Bice)
The life so far, of Cheng Wang has traveled a huge distance from his compulsory period of re-education in the sparsely populated, secluded area of Inner Mongolia where he was sent by China’s Chairman Mao plan. He was taught that communism would seize the world by the Great Cultural Revolution. He never learned only what was taught directly to him but an inner sense seemed to guide him to learn what he would need for the next step in his life. He helped others along the way and received much help in return, often from unexpected sources. Life carried him along and he found himself landing on foreign soil in the USA with $200 in his pocket and a goal of graduating the Economics Department at the University of Cincinnati. He gained so much more.
His interesting journey, looking at situations from all sides, recognizing opportunities, working with intensity, and adapting to ways far beyond what his young mind could have imagined has gifted him with goals achieved and still energy to continue his education in life.
I loved reading this book! I respect his openness and willingness to share his thoughts, struggles, and opinions. I certainly enjoyed meeting this author through his words!
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Dear Arlene,
I feel so thankful for your kind words, deep emotion, and generous heart! It reads beautiful, truthful, and most inspirational to me!
I consider myself the most fortunate to be part of TAF, hence to know people like you (among quite a few) — another “received much help in return, often from unexpected sources” — the way you see and put it! It’s so real for me, and yet, surreal at the same time whenever I look back. That happens to be a significant part of my life story in this memoir, and it’s continuing as we speak now.
I will share your post on my FB and LinkedIn to articulate my gratitude for you with others. A generous heart is hard to come by in today’s social media-based self-expression age (one of my weaknesses, in fact!).
Most gratefully yours