Where to begin is always the hardest part when starting to tell a story or chronicle an adventure. So, I begin with looking back five or six years ago to one of the people I’d met who totally changed my life just by meeting her. That one was The Sandra Martin -as she is known in the literary book & TV production fields.
I received a phone call one day and Sandra said to me, “My daughter gave me your book, (The Ghostly Spirits of Warren County & Beyond) and I’ve just finished reading it. Would you join me for lunch? I’d love to talk to you about it.”
Those are magic words to any writer’s ears! I’m sure I stumbled over my words as I couldn’t say “yes” fast enough. We drove over to the Hardware Café, after finding the Robinson Ferry restaurant wasn’t open. Both are in Warrenton, North Carolina. We ate for a half hour and talked for over two. It was as if we knew each other forever.
Meeting this woman of like-mind changed the direction of my life. I had been searching for her as a result of a Reading of a few years ago. In the Reading with a recommended psychic over the phone, she told me that I needed to find a particular like-minded group. She didn’t tell me where or how. That was the hard part. I began my search without much success. Now, here I sat with The Sandra Martin who came seeking me! The Universe. Ya gotta luv it! Success is all in the timing.
In a few days’ time Sandra took me to meet Ellie Newbauer, a sage, a woman of today, full of wisdom, laughter, new ideas, leader of the pack, and so much more. Ellie was nearing 90 at the time, bursting with life at its best! The door was open. I walked through it joyfully meeting a group of mostly women (a couple of enlightened husbands joined in now and then) who met on the First Sunday of the month to hear invited speakers or sometimes met for discussions on spirituality, the metaphysical, new, and old ideas of living.
We took day trips, not to go shopping, but to hear others speak of improving our way of life, whether it applied to physical health, opening our thoughts to new ideas, or just exploring life. About a year and a half ago, we were invited to have lunch with Dr. Mary in Smithfield. Whenever someone came up with an idea or invitation, my immediate answer was always “I’m in!” I’m so eager to learn what I don’t know and that’s a lot.
This time my reaction was different. A feeling overwhelmed me that my life was about to make a major change again. Something important was waiting for me at this woman’s house who I had never met before, had never heard her name mentioned in the group, and had no idea who she was or what she represented. But I knew I had to be there!
A week or so before we were to go, we went to Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship to hear Dr. Mary speak on Quantum Physics. Surprisingly, I grasped what she was talking about. Her talk helped me to understand what I thought was way above my intelligence level. Hmmm.
#Stay tuned. More to follow in the next blog.