Take down the porcelain
The one with the pink petal
If it doesn’t suit you to use the metal. . .teapot
Don’t get your drawers in a nettle
It’s simple for us to settle
For tea from the hot kettle.
Writer. Educator. Artist.
Take down the porcelain
The one with the pink petal
If it doesn’t suit you to use the metal. . .teapot
Don’t get your drawers in a nettle
It’s simple for us to settle
For tea from the hot kettle.
Man, best not read this Six/poem while climbing (or descending) stairs!* lol
* a compliment on the strength of the rhythm in your Six
Ahh yes! Does it matter if we go fancy or simple and plain? (I have both.) What matters is the company and the sharing over a cup of tea! I enjoyed this well-written poem!
you are right. it is the sharing over a cup of tea.
This made me smile. Breaking out the porcelain tea set *sigh*
I hope there are folks who still make time for tea!
I keep it handy for special occasions.
Great rhyming. Great job on the sss. Kudos. Poetry is work.
thanks. a fun moment.
Very nice job on the structure and the rhyming – not so many words which rhyme with ‘kettle’, but you picked and used creatively.
thanks. it’s a fun word, kettle.
What a sweet poem!
I enjoyed your poetic Six.
I am not familiar with the phrase “don’t get your drawers in a nettle, but I remember as a kid wearing shorts and being ever so careful not to brush against a patch of nettles growing by our creek.
You kind of got the idea. It means don’t get so upset.
All one needs is tea from a hot kettle.
ahhh. you understand. . .
So clever! ????
thanks. it was fun to do.
The porcelain, only for special occasions and special guests.
thanks Len.
Lovely expression and play with poetry!
Another fun post. thanks.
What a fun poem for a fun six!
thanks dyanne, glad it tickled you.