- The Poet Talk Podcasts of Lisa Tomey including ours. I enjoy hearing from other poets and Lisa does a fabulous job of interviewing.
- Leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner, yum.
- Turkey soup simmering still lingering in the air.
- E cards for Christmas that people can enjoy & discard.
- Christmas cards wrapped in ribbons and saved that I received many years ago and still cannot toss, many with handwritten notes in them.
- My writing groups (small) meeting live again, with caution and socially distanced.
- My study group also meeting live, also socially distanced.
- The joy of these meetings even with keeping distance and no touching.
- Reconnecting by telephone with longtime friends that I don’t see in person
from year to year. Six Sentence Stories from Girlie on the Edge blog that keeps the creative juices flowing and puts me in touch with new writers with cool mini stories.