- The birthday cake I ate for breakfast last week.
- A satisfying, healthy, annual cardiologist report.
- For birthday cards and wishes, some outrageously funny.
- Autumn weather is here, soon autumn colors will appear
- The beautiful orchid plant received.
- Music, I have a variety of music in my life every day.
- Energy of a Virgo new moon
- Prayers of healing, both mine sent and others’
- Rainy days
- TTOT that reminds me to be aware
This is a truly awesome list! I’m so grateful for your satisfying cardiology report. Also, did you have a birthday last week? In that case, or even if it wasn’t you who had the birthday, I want to wish you many more years in good health.
Thanks for your good wishes Astrid. I enjoyed my birthday and the cake that went with it.
Glad your birthday week went well! I love this time of year. Hurray for your good bill of heath!
thanks Kristi.
Yay! Love that you had a lovely birthday week!
Thanks Lisa.
Cake for breakfast, maybe not every day, but certainly for every-now-and- then days and birthdays. 🙂
So happy for you having a healthy report from the cardiologist.
The orchid is beautiful.
Thanks Pat. No more cake for breakfast until next year. Not sure about leftover pizza though. lol.
you had me at ‘…birthday cake… for breakfast’
Thanks Clark. You are obviously a person of good taste and wise decisions.