Tell Your Story

You will be guided to help you craft your story, to bring back memories you’ve tucked away. You can write in short story form or if you like poetry, you can use it to tell your story. There is no need for a degree; no need to be a spelling ace and no need to be an English teacher. You do need a desire to tell your story the way you remember it. The more you write, the more memories will come to you. Ways to help you remember are provided.
This is a workshop. You will leave at the end of the session with a pathway to recover your memories, emotions and images in words. Get to know yourself by writing it out. Use writing as a tool to heal old wounds that drag you down. Find the humor in your life that you’ve forgotten. Be amazed at the person you are and the life you have lived.
Write your story like NO ONE else can! It’s time to get your story down on paper as only you can tell it. Your story is unique whether you want to publish or not, whether you are writing for someone else to read or not. You may write about portions of your life, such as your childhood, teen years, your love story, career, hobby, travel or what makes you wake up and get out of bed in the morning. Choose writing memoir as a narrative or in short pieces, mixed with poetry, or not. Do it your way!
This is a fun way to spend an afternoon or evening with your friends OR if your organization or club would like to host a fund raiser.
Let’s talk!
Call me at 434-755-3518 to discuss a plan for you or send an email to

2018.08.22. Writing Your Story South Hill VA
2018.04.21. For Women Only Writing Your Story South Hill VA
2018.01.13. For Men Only Writing Your Story South Hill VA
2017.10.21. For Women Only Writing Your Story South Hill VA
What Attendees are Saying About “Writing Your Story”
Thank you! Thank you! Saturday’s workshop was perfect! great info, guidance and atmosphere! made perfect by being in a writing session with fellow Geniuses. ~ Sandra Butler Tubbs
Thank you! I’m so glad that I decided to go to the workshop yesterday. It was very interesting and shifted my feeling about writing a in a positive direction. And I enjoyed meeting lovely new people. Many benefits! ~ Cynthia McTyre
Gosh what a wonderful day Saturday was! Thanks to you “Reds” for all you do!!
I might get organized with my writing! I have about 8 wheels on my desk and am setting up what belongs on each “spoke”! — lots of great info taught, and shared. Thank you. ~ Diane Ratliff
I attended Arlene Bice’s “Writing Your Memoir” workshop last year which became one of the highlights of my year. Arlene made the whole event comfortable and fun by putting everyone at ease as to their writing experience — some there were experienced writers, and some were not. She stressed that there is not a right or wrong way to write—but only your way—which helped put my mind at ease. For me, this class was an insight into how my memories hold meaning in my life; writing about those memories has shown me how I have become who I am. ~ Ellie Newbauer
Well it was great! Kudos to you. Good chemistry among the guys. A great experience. Thank you. ~ Don Arnold
Wanted to thank you for today. The workshop exercises were informative and got me moving forward with my memoir. Also, the group of men you assembled was impressive, each man was both unique and highly qualified. Thanks for the introduction. Warm regards. ~ Michael Roy Layne