dreams, Uncategorized, WOMEN'S OPEN FORUM, women's stories, WORKSHOP


ellie prof 2

Women’s Open Forum

FEATURING: Ellie Newbauer


12 March 2016 * * * 11:00 to 3:00 pm

Pay $35.00 at the door
Bring Your Lunch * Coffee, tea, & water are provided

“The Gathering Place”
115 Magnolia Court
Wildwood Point
On Lake Gaston
Littleton, NC 27850
We will launch the day with an open class discussion followed by a group participation session.
You’ll learn how to work with dream symbols, find the theme or story line in a dream, and how feelings in the dream are an important part of the message being given.
Please bring a short dream to work on. If you don’t have a recalled dream of your own, there will be samples to work with. We will end with a group sharing.

Bring a journal, pen/pencil * A bag lunch * An open mind & your curiosity
For further info:

book review, books, general, Uncategorized, women, women's stories, writing


me, chrisDSCF4111   What’s more exciting than winning a 2-hour consultation with Build the Fort author Chris Heivly? Actually having my consultation with him, at his headquarters on W. Main Street in Durham! That’s what.
Always aware of my surroundings, I was especially delighted in the set-up laid out before me. It is like a bee hive with all the different pockets of work spaces filled and everyone in them happily busy at work. This is a cheerful place, full of bright colors that instill confidence at first glance. It’s a place where dreams are confided and fulfilled. I’ve read the book (review posted already) loved it and now I am here to fill in the blank spaces. That’s with Chris’ guidance, of course.
The time has come to branch out, to make a plan to learn what avenues I need to travel in order to offer my talents and services to those who will benefit from them on a business level. I’ve been volunteering for many, many years now and it’s time to spread my wings and fly.
Chris is fabulous! He’s easy to talk to, immediately understands all my inadequate feelings of not knowing, how and where, to proceed next. We talked with comfort like I’d known him since he was born. That is very cool. He was also very helpful in getting me on my feet. I came home with a notebook loaded with ideas and scribbles that will direct me with confidence. I’m ready to set out and set the world aglow!
Thanks to LISA HAGAN BOOKS! For this great opportunity in winning this champion of wins!
A bunch of thanks to Chris Heivly, instructing me on how to Build the Fort! I’m on my way!

book review, Uncategorized, women

BUILD THE FORT by Chris Heivly (book review)

DSCF4111   Well, really, don’t you remember building forts when you were a kid? We were lucky enough to have a small wooded area that we neighborhood kids converged on (and later my own four sons). Actually we built a tree house with connecting logs running to other trees. I cannot imagine how one of us didn’t break a bone in the process.
On rainy days, my brother and I built forts inside, using sheets and blankets incorporating the dining room table and chairs. It was great fun that left me with fond memories of building a fort. Thinking of those days pulled at me with interest to read Build the Fort by Chris Heivly.
This book came to me just in time. I’ve been wanting to spread my wings and help guide readers who want to become writers. I know what I want to do, but need to know how to go about it. This book is all about ‘how to’ in an easy way to follow.
Chris is the co-founder of MapQuest and The Startup Factory, sharing his knowledge with passion, about facing fear, overcoming it, and how to handle building your business with confidence. He breaks it down to five easy steps that he uses building a fort as a metaphor to make the task simple for the reader to understand.
He tells us how to socialize our ideas, choosing who to socialize it to. While he encourages us, he guides us to miss the pitfalls, laying it all out before us so it is clear. He isn’t shy about revealing his weak spots-the ones he doesn’t want to deal with and tells us how to do that, too.
In reading the book, learning about bartering is included, along with giving something back. Really, Chris covers it all. It’s a great little book, one the reader doesn’t get lost in, but finds her way to exactly where she wants to be. Get a copy. Today, if possible.
Oh, and yes, I love the way he lays out the plans for Building the Fort. It brings back memories.