

 I squirreled into the Pyramid easily and sat, breathed deeply and Dr. Mary left. I relaxed, closed my eyes and cupped my hands over them seeing them healed. Then I moved my hands down to cover my heart, lungs, down to my liver, to my stomach, and finally my kidneys. At each turn I saw them healthy. I sat quietly, not feeling any sensations, picturing the images of Tachyon particles floating down on me like glitter drifting from the stars. I felt as content as anyone could be while gently healing my body and spirit.

            This was about a month after my first extended session in the Tachyon Pyramid Dr. Mary invited me to come for another session. I arrived, excitement bouncing around within me, near the end of January ’18 for another 30 minute session. I thoughtfully took the path wondering what wondrous moments were coming to me again. I stepped into the Sanctuary on this clear, cold day with the mixture of giddiness inside me and serenity on my surface.

            A round dish lay inside the pyramid frame just below the peak, connected to all four sides of tubing before they joined at the top. Dr. Mary gave me some guidance on setting intention. She instructed me to visualize Tachyon particles floating down from the dish covering me wherever I wanted them to go for healing. How easy and peaceful that seemed to be.

                        The time flew by and Dr. Mary came in to lead me into the dining room for a glass of water followed with a cup of Yogi Blueberry tea and cookies. We discussed a variety of subjects while she observed me.  A hello and goodbye to Cal and I was heading north again.

            About an hour into my drive which is half way home, I felt gentle internal tremors. I stuck my hand out extending my arm. Steady as a rock. The tremors did not show externally yet they rumbled around inside. That’s still so strange but I just let it be whatever it was. I believed it was the Tachyon working to heal my body. Any trembling I‘ve had over the years from the Standing Stones had only been noticeable when I lay at rest in bed at night. These tremors settled after a short time then returned again after my dinner around 7:30 p.m.

It was time to order a Tachyon Pad. I asked Dr. Mary to order one from Advanced Tachyon Technologies. I went online to read where founder David Wagner became severely handicapped and was bedridden for three years in constant agonizing pain after a file cabinet fell on him damaging his back discs. He is a scientist as well as inventor, spiritual, a naturalist, and energy healer. He was the original to use Tachyon so that’s where I wanted to purchased my Tachyon Pad. It’s roughly 10” X 20” and comes in a sheep’s wool-like zippered cover.

Why me? Why not me? What has the Source offered me and why choose me? I definitely felt I was chosen for this experience. None of my group seemed to react as I had. Maybe they didn’t need any healing like I knew I did. Or maybe they didn’t believe as strongly as I did. I have a lifetime of hurts and disappointments, inner scars that I have never faced or admitted. They need to be resolved and healed before they cause physical damage or diseases, and before this lifetime ends. So many questions. So many thoughts filled my heart and mind. I carried them with me whatever I was doing.

            After years of considering myself too inconsequential to bring about positive effects to anyone, I wondered why me. Maybe because I was just crazy enough to try something completely unheard of in my part of the world. Maybe it was to further feed my desire to help others through writing and the Source told me to help myself first. Giving this deep thought, I believed I was led to Tachyon to heal what needed to be healed within and to share my experience. I felt the pull even before I heard the word Tachyon. I’m overwhelmed with feelings about all this.

Ahead: The Tachyon Pad plus Miracles?



I noted in my journal on 18 December, about 1 ½ months after the Tachyon experience in the pyramid, that my left hand felt like arthritis was beginning to return. Stiffness and pain were slowly creeping back in. Aside from that, I was sure that my balance had improved. I wanted definite proof, no guessing or imagining improvement. My left hand was certainly proof and I wanted it to remain a normal, flexible hand.    

On 22 December I arrived at Dr. Mary’s for a planned 30 minute session in the Pyramid. I slowly walked up the stone path, my mind already anticipating the pyramid, over the wee bridge, and entered the Sanctuary. It still held that soothing effect. Dr. Mary stood by as I squirreled into the pyramid and settled in the chair. She said she’d return in a half hour and left quietly.

            With my eyes closed, I set intentions of healing. I noticed my hands warmed immediately. There was no torso rock tumbling or any heavy vibrations going on at all as happened the first time. My body was calm and still. My mind was peaceful with intent. In my mind’s eye, I saw and felt a stick go through my left eye from top to bottom. It was strange to watch it but I knew it was healing and there was no pain; no feeling at all. I didn’t react to it. It just was.

            I cupped my hands over my eyes, still closed, and ran my hands over different parts of my body as if placing healing hands. The time went by in a flash. Dr. Mary spoke gently and I opened my eyes. It seemed as if I had just closed them.

            I later learned that Tachyon realigns the body and aura so the body can unblock the emotions and heal itself. Hmm. I’ve been holding in a lot of emotions for many years. I hide them behind working. It has been a long time since I cried.

            We retreated to the dining room where Dr. Mary had placemats set out and a glass of water for me. We sipped cups of hot Lemon Balm tea and I nibbled cookies. Dr. Mary let me talk as she visibly watched me.

            I chatted with Cal when he came in to say hello, a bit surprised at how he had bounced back with such energy since I saw him last! He had been suffering with severe back pain but it obviously was healed thanks to Tachyon. We said our goodbyes. I promised to be in touch. I felt wonderful. Alert. Bright. Refreshed. The two hour drive home was as pleasant as it could be. 

Since this last session Tachyon lays in the back of my mind. I’m aware that my left hand is normal. No arthritis symptoms at all! No creeping in stiffness. No pain. There has been a tremendous improvement in my balance! Going to yoga has been a weekly date for the last 4 or 5 years. I usually do a 10-20 minute yoga routine at home on the other 5 or 6 days. I had not been able to do the “crane” pose where I stand on one leg with the other tucked up underneath. Recently I’ve been able to accomplish this at home! I’m sure Tachyon was responsible for this. There is no other explanation for it. I feel balanced. Hmm. I wonder if I could ice skate again. I loved it as a kid and managed to skate every winter until I married at seventeen. That was a long time ago. My adventure continues….. Next Blog—Affects & After effects: does Tachyon work?


#5 After the Tachyon Pyramid

I sat down, still in the Sanctuary looking at the massage table that had a Tachyon Sleeping Pad on it. Joyce was laying on it. After a few moments of waiting, I thought maybe it would be better if I passed on a turn on the Pad.  Sometimes it was better to not do everything available!

            Still wobbly, I stepped out of the Sanctuary into a light drizzle and onto the path, carefully crossing the bridge this time. Only one of my friends was walking the labyrinth. I knew walking the labyrinth would calm me. It did. I took my time letting my thoughts gently rest as I made the journey to the center, paused for a gratefulness prayer, turned, and came back out again. No rush. I allowed myself to pull together. I knew there were ley lines under the labyrinth and vowed to Google more about them.

            Once calm I went inside where Dr. Mary offered a glass of water, a hunk of chocolate followed by a cup of tea, and conversation. A lot of chattering filled the kitchen. No one else seemed to have been affected like I had. I chalked that up to my previous experience at Avebury. There was something exceedingly special here for me. My intuition told me so last year before there was any mention of Tachyon.

            Dear Dr. Mary gifted us each with a rose quartz crystal. She must have noticed my expression (I never could hide my emotions) because she also encouraged me to go back outside and run my hands through the rosemary growing near the tiny bridge. I inhaled the aroma of it, ran it over my body, and washed my hands with it. Peace settled in. It was time for us to head home.

My psychic cat Lizzie greeted me at the door, meowing loudly that she was glad to see me back home again. It wasn’t quite 7 p.m. The swelling of my arthritic left hand ring finger was back to normal! After a long time of pain, swelling, and stiffness I was bending and wiggling it. The pain was gone! Flexibility of my left had returned! I stood in amazement!

            Eye surgery from a burst cyst a year or two ago left an internal splotch of dried blood on its’ surface. It seemed smaller and I could see light through parts of it by 10 p.m.! I woke up every hour throughout the night. No problem. I had no idea why I woke up. I just turned over and went back to sleep, letting whoever was in charge of me and my body tonight handle the whole enchilada.

Two days later I went to Duke Eye Clinic for my regular injections into both eyes to keep Wet Macular Degeneration at bay. The splotch was a bit smaller and less dense! My vision was better than it had been in some time. My depth perception had improved. Duke Eye Clinic had been keeping the Degeneration at bay for approximately ten years and I am extremely grateful for it.

            My left hand fist closes and opens easily again and again, after a year of not being able to do that. At 9:30 p.m. my inner chest rumbled. Nothing wild or drastic. Just something was going on in there.

More Adventures with Tachyon continues. . .


My Tachyon Pyramid experience

The Pyramid stood in the middle of the room, approximately 4 or 5 feet high. It looked like a bronze tubing frame with a white plastic garden chair filling the inside space. It was open-sided.  I stood close by determined to be the second person to enter since I missed the chance to be the first. I bent over and squirreled in, slipped into the seat and breathed deeply to relax. I wanted this experience. I could taste it with every sense of my body and mind. I felt like I waited a long time for it and I didn’t even know about it a year ago!

            As I released my deep breath my feet and legs began to vibrate slightly, internally. The vibration moved slowly up to my torso and bam! A tumbling was going on in my insides! It felt like water rushing over rocks and tumbling them over and over! Clunk, clunk, clunk. I felt my internal torso shaking wildly! Within seconds which seemed much longer, the tumbling gentled and visibly slowed. Egyptian pyramids and Standing Stones drifted through my mind as this tremble lessened. Tears flowed gently as my face crumbled. The muscles in my face felt like they do just before I’m going to cry-the sobbing type of cry; like when I am overcome with emotion. What did all this mean? I knew this was special for me but I didn’t know what it meant and why me? Then again, why not me? Thoughts raced through my mind. I thought of how the day began.

In the year between our visits, Dr. Mary and Cal suffered a fire and the outside chapel was burned, too. In rebuilding they turned their small exterior cottage into a Sanctuary.

            Before entering the Sanctuary Dr. Mary explained about quantum physics; everything in the universe is a dense form of energy. Energy flows constantly. Energetic continuum beyond light was mentioned. My brain is not scientifically inclined, so I didn’t grasp all of it but later researched it online. I understood that the direct focus of Source energy of Tachyon and how it aids the body by balancing and reorganizing it to a higher order thereby healing itself. From further reading I believed Tachyon had married the spiritual with science.

            Dr. Mary took the time and patience to explain the importance of the pyramid that her brother had created to exact measurements. Because my mind does not retain details, especially ones to do with numbers, I wrote my impressions in my journal at the end of the day. Walking the stone path from the house through the Zen garden and over the tiny bridge to the Sanctuary gave off a promise of peacefulness. The inside continued the gracefulness of lavender and white with the artistic beauty of stained glass, crystals, and soft light enhancing the room with a soothing, spiritual ambiance.

            The inside rumbling lessened and my wits began to settle.  I was aware that my friends were waiting for their turn to sit in the chair, too. As soon as I knew I could stand, I squirreled out of the pyramid, shaky and weeping quietly. I looked at no one. I concentrated on what was going on with me.  Later I asked my friends and they said yes, I shook visibly and the Pyramid rattled, too!              

Con’t in next BLOG.