Ten Things of Thankful

Ten Things of Thankful

Photo by Dimitri Kuliuk on Pexels.com
  1. I am thankful that Lisa Tomey is a happy newlywed and wish her and husband thousands of blessings and when they are used up, thousands more.  I love happiness and I love weddings-someone else’s.
  2. Rain, rain, rain. I love the rain…soft and gentle, hard and pounding.
  3. Hugely thankful that my house is completely decluttered.
  4. Super thankful that the photographer came to take photos of house for sale.
  5. Supremely blessed that he adjusted my thermostat from Celsius to Fahrenheit. A thousand blessings to him and then a thousand more.
  6. So thankful that I have begun to pack up the few belongings I’m taking with me.
  7. So thankful I have found an area I want to live in. Farmville.
  8. So thankful I have found The Woodland.
  9. The Captain will be going to a home he will love and be loved.
  10. I am surrounded by true friends.

Prayer for the 4th and Everyday

Divine Spirit

arlene s bice


On this day of rejoicing and celebrating the birth of our nation

Please lay you hand of love and light on the shoulders of the growing number

Of discontented men and women with minds full of hate and anger

Instigated by an evil one.

Let them see and feel the blessings of a lightened heart

Where love dwells for their neighbors, no matter how far away

Let their weight of hatred be lifted, changed to kindness and compassion

For those who are different from themselves

May you shine your love and light upon the many who lack the ability

To open their eyes to see the joy of loving and forgiving

Let them bond with those leaders who walk with truth and goodness

Divine Spirit, help our country and all who dwell on our land.