women, women writers, women's forum

From: What it is to be a Woman-Tubbs

Image by Sabrina Young from Pixabay-thank you

Something to think about …(C)Sandra Butler Tubbs

Mrs. Rosalind Gertner (Lakewood New Jersey High School Social Studies Department Chairperson, white and Jewish) wrote this in my 1967 yearbook:

“A young woman with your brains and of your race has a very hard line to walk between two worlds. I’ve seldom met anyone with your ability to do it successfully – My best wishes go with you – affectionately, Roz Gertner.”

Thank God for allowing me to grow and flourish among so many wise and wonderful people. At first I thought Mrs. Gertner was ignoring the recent mid-sixties Civil Rights victories. She, like my father, Deacon William Butler, knew that those laws were only tiny baby steps toward a better direction.

My father once said, “Laws don’t change people’s hearts.”

Because of my father, Mrs. Gertner and others, I have survived and thrived on that very hard line Mrs. Gertner described in 1967.

I am ready to begin conversations with red, yellow, black and white about how we humans can start taking steps to be who God wants us to be – you know, loving, kind and considerate to each other.

To my friends and family, we all are part of God’s family, so let us start helping others to be part of that family and to take bigger steps toward the healing needed in the United States and the world; and let’s let God’s love shine through each of us to each other.

women's forum, women's stories

Gathering at the Women’s Forum


The holidays are put to rest and the exciting Women’s Forum is back on the calendar! The third Saturday of January (17th) from 1to 3 o’clock, Ellen Newbauer will be speaking to us of her life experiences that led her through her darkest times. She found her way back to a life full of joy and creativity, developing a business as a talented artisan of wood and other media. Her story is one of courage, hope, promise, and just plain grit!
Magic happens when a personal story is told with honesty and confidence. Bonds are created where women help women find a path in life.
You are welcome to join us at 115 Magnolia Court, Wildwood Subdivision on Lizard Creek in Littleton. You’ll find like-minded women of interest, compassion, and intelligence.