
A Nosegay of Violets revised edition


A torrent of passion went through me when i first began writing A Nosegay of Violets. It covered events that happened to me that I buried deep inside, never to talk about to anyone. When pen hit paper, actually fingers hit computer keys, a flood resulted. The words and memories burst out of me. I was so caught up in releasing the hurt, anger, and wonder of my journey that i never rewrote the manuscript or had it professionally edited. I just put it out there like shedding an old skin.

I constantly encourage others to write their stories. Especially women who think they have not lived an exciting life. They don’t realize how others are touched by their experiences. Their thoughts and lessons learned in life may easily help another. Or maybe supply entertainment if the case may be. You are the only one who can tell your story as you lived it, giving reasons why you made the decisions you made. Sometimes it’s a relief to tell the secrets you hold close to your chest. Get rid of that heavy load you carry around. Lighten up. None of what you did will bring an end to the world.

Often writing your memoir will help heal old wounds. You come to terms with trauma. Through writing my story, i came to understand my mother as i never saw her before. It changed my whole perception of her and gave me a clearer picture.

Now i offer my A Nosegay of Violets revised edition, rewritten as a past tense narrative and updated it. I let the reader know at the beginning that the title refers to my always being the different one. It’s what i heard all my life and finally found my place in being different. And it was good.

book review, living with ghosts, paranormal, Uncategorized, women's stories

PROMISED BY HEAVEN A doctor’s return from the afterlife to a destiny of love and healing by Dr. Mary Helen Hensley

promised heaven      This book begins with a punch and ends with a punch, and in between is a story that is nearly impossible to put down. Be prepared to sit up all night reading.

The story opens with Mary Helen Hensley in a hospital coming back to life after a fatal car accident. She was nearing her 22 birthday. I began marking the paragraphs and underlining sentences on page 5 and continued until the end.

Hensley holds nothing back. She doesn’t make herself out to be a hero, just a woman trying her best to do good and to get through life, being loved and loving. She tells us how difficult that can be. Her pain when life hits low points, are not hidden, but laid out there for you to understand. Her metaphysical experiences are clearly explained, so you can understand those, too.

Her writing about her life and metaphysical experiences has led me to understand many of my own. This is a book to keep and read again and again, learning more from it each time. Thank you, Mary Helen Hensley for writing this book.