
six sentence story~passion

Sitting in front of my computer I began to deflate, almost crumbling into a fetal position in a chair, if that is possible. It seemed like yesterday that I began with excitement, enthusiasm and pure joy to be writing this story that was building a fire within me for what seemed like a lifetime. For sure it was a lifetime because there were so many bits and pieces of me scattered throughout the words that lay on the page after page after page unfolding before me.

Ocean Sunset ~ the late Juanita Crosby

The excitement of something new and challenging changed in time to plodding along with questions burning inside me; like should I include this or would it be better left out. The plodding along changed to struggling, feeling like pushing a ball uphill, not being able to see the sun setting on the horizon to complete this all-consuming project. Finally the flow of words fizzled down to a few that stumbled along until I tapped the last letter of the last word and my passion died a heavyweight dead, letting me know it was over.

0 thoughts on “six sentence story~passion”

  1. Are you writing in my mind? So many times, I start and feel such passion and then it just dries up like the last leaf of a hot fall day, burning to the universe. When I come back to it after a break it opens up to the light again. At least I hope it does. Otherwise, I rake leaves until more passion builds.

  2. current events and my health issues right now have quelled my passion to write. every word is a struggle

    the painting is however, inspiring.

  3. Sometimes life itself stirs up the word pot and other times it buries it for a while. Even writers can benefit from taking a break when and if that is possible, even if it is just staring at a picture of the ocean, rather than the real thing. Writer’s block is real.

  4. don’cha hate it when that happens?
    I suspect it comes with the territory and those of us who choose to explore the land of words and stories

  5. Make room for me, lol. It’s extremely frustrating beginning a piece, believing you’ve everything you need, until you hit that brick wall. Or, worse, when you suddenly feel as if inspiration has completely evaporated. Thank goodness it is a temporary state 🙂

  6. A good and honest study of how stories explode passionately in our heads, then struggle to make it to the page. It’s quite a let down when it happens, but often we find our fire again – even if means just putting it aside for some time to simmer, or adapting it into something new, or starting again with something different. No writing is ever a failure; it’s an opportunity for us to explore our ideas.

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