In days long-passed life was different than we know today; when men were commissioned to form swords, shields and body armor to use in the defense of one’s family, friends and property through the use of steel. Ahhh, such longing of the romanticism of yesteryear when knights were bold and women were feminine tickles my fancy as I read. Those stories of daring challenges were written down for us to enjoy today without the painful loss of hot and cold running water, luxurious bathrooms, kitchens where anyone can create gourmet meals, not to mention central heating.

Most of all in reading is the uncovering of enigmas tucked away in the backs of cupboards, in hidden drawers built in massive oak desks and cemented up in the walls of convents where they lay for centuries waiting for my favorite authors to find and reveal for all to see. To hide these objects of sequestered history one had to enter through the uncovered doorway where once you needed the code word to enter. The door was found down the garden pathway, tucked in behind the dense growth of bushes, spotting the cast iron fancywork hammered onto thick slabs of mahogany where you absolutely knew was the mysterious doorway to all those secrets.
Oh to enter the door… And what a lovely painting.
The door intrigues me….the painting was one of the very few that came easy.
a little synchronistic Six Sentence Story writing? lol. (although hidden swords and armor possess a certain flair that a cast iron flat iron kinda lacks)
Enjoyed your Six… one has to wonder how much of the (perceived) value of certain historical artifacts lies in the difficulty encountered when trying to access them?
Hahaha. I was thinking more in the line of legal papers and love letters such as Abelard and Heloise 7th century (?) cemented into the walls of the convent uncovered in recent history. Abelard was castrated by her uncle but their love affair lasted for decades by letters.
I love a paintint with a message. This story had one too. Good one.
Thanks UP. It was a fun one to write.
Loved this, “the uncovering of enigmas”
Great painting to display with your SSS too.
Thanks. One day i’ll write a real story from that door.
Reading unlocks so many doors to so many eras and adventures. And I couldn’t agree more – nice to experience those adventures while enjoying modern day comforts, lol.
Your painting is cleverly placed! Love it 🙂
Thank you. Great minds think alike 🙂
Bravo for the six. I love the sense of wonder and how the imagination can fly when presented with hidden doors and secret passageways, tucked away relics and treasures of the past!
thanks. i love when other minds recognize flight in wonder.
I could see the wrought iron fancy work on the door even with out the lovely painting. This prompt really got you opening up some doorways!
Yes, this door intrigues me, as many doors/doorways do. Thanks for reading/commenting.