Well, if there was ever an absolutely perfect time to read this book, it is now! With all the extreme weather destruction around the world, when violence erupts in the least expected places and times, when people are losing everything they have and cherish. Dr. Nadel provides guidance to work your way through it, survive and go on to pick up the pieces in the best possible way. The book is not only for those who have had disaster strike but for the others to share empathy and understanding what truly happens in a person’s life.
When violence enters your life, you want to move forward away from the shattered pieces of yourself and pull them all together again. Nadel provides ways to do this with, what she refers to as keys, to calm your mind, body, and spirit.
Personal interviews with EMTs, First Responders, and survivors brings the reader right into events that destroy so many. I highly recommend keeping this book handy to refer to, reread, and let her knowledge help you or a friend through some bad times.