

Ten Things of Thankfulness

  1. The flight of steps in the town park so I cannot forget the ability to walk upstairs.
  2. For small gifts of a long time ago that keeps loved ones close while they are gone from me..
  3. The Sealey Chapbook Challenge of reading a chapbook a day for August. It has brought me back to re-reading good poems that have slept quietly on my bookshelf.
  4. For Zoom which is easy to use and allows me to see others in our meetings.
  5. For the caution many businesses are taking to help keep us safe as we shop and conduct business.
  6. For my lawn gentleman who does a fabulous job and allows me to take off a time or two of cutting my grass.
  7. Those who forgive me for being a day late in my Friday TTOT.
  8. For those who share recipes to try that are new to me.
  9. For the opinions of others to keep me from knowing all the answers.
  10. For others who continue to go forward, not allowing this pandemic to defeat them.

0 thoughts on “TTOT”

  1. I am grateful for the stairs and railing that we have inside our home and for the feeling that I am getting some exercise when I use them, and that I am still able to use them safely.
    The TToT blog hop provides a lengthy time to get linked up, so you are here in plenty of time.
    I appreciate the businesses who are following the rules so not only their employees are safe but so are those who enter their establishments.
    Hope you have a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks Pat. Coming from NJ where stairs are everywhere for two and three levels, i lost that zip i would run up or down the stairs when i moved South where there are few stairs. arlene

  2. Like Pat said, the link up is open for quite a few days, to accommodate different schedules, so you aren’t late at all! 🙂 Thanks for linking up!
    I have some items like the ones you mentioned, that remind me of loved ones.

  3. I have two flights of stairs in my house, one to the basement (where laundry room is) and one up to our bedrooms. I’m always grateful for that little bit of exercise I get from going up and down them (although it gets tiresome some days). I do hope when we get to retirement age that we can find a one story house (with a basement, though, because tornadoes) so we won’t have to worry about stairs all the time.

    1. My last Jersey home had 3 flights of stairs; to the basement, to the bedroom & laundry room level and the tower room that i used as studio. it had windows on 3 walls-great light for painting. you are right, it is good exercise. it’s surprising how i’ve lost the strength of running up the steps.

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