food, life, love, Poetry, reflection, women writers, words

Day 28 ProlificPulse Mo Po: celebrate the beauty of language and words themselves.

Language © arlene s bice

Ahhh. the beauty of words
of many languages
spoken softly with sensitivity
can heal, comfort, inspire
even on a bistro menu
words sing like songs
to entice you, tease you
allow you to enjoy
beauty, taste, pleasure
let the words, descriptions
roll over your tongue
prior to the food
even arriving.

Photo thanks to Linda Tate Wolfbard=unsplash

books, dreams, poetic narrative, Poetry, reflection, women writers

Day 26 ProlificPulse Mo Po : Explore the theme of dreams and aspirations in poetry

Dreams © arlene s bice

Those dreams that were given up
after one attempt after another
failed again and again, yet again
disappointed, rejected, lost
returned, came unannounced
an opportunity given to me
without asking 30 years late;
came easily from two directions
“please write a book for us”
my writing affair began.

My First Book

books, life, poetic narrative, Poetry, reflection, women writers, writing group poetry

Day 25 ProlificPulse Mo Po: Capture the essence of a particular emotion

Exhilaration! © arlene s bice

My first time, IWWG annual conference
500 women writers gather at Skidmore
eyes wide, a bit nervous, I was in awe
multiple classes each hour each day
a week away from work and all
feeling alive, filled with music
made up of words and guidance
new friendships formed, kept
becoming a writer day by day
a tradition formed for 10 years

poem/essay/story is accepted
book is now published
leading writers’ group
presenting courses
thank you, thank you, thank you.

childhood, dreams, fairy tale, humor, life, love, Poetry, women's stories

Day 21 ProlificPulse Mo Po: a poem inspired by a favorite childhood fairy tale.

Ahhh Cinderella! ©arlene s bice

As a teen, I longed for my prince to come
haul me up onto his great white horse
ride into the sunset, travel, dance, sing

no one told me he was really a toad
no way would we ride onto the road
troubles and sorrows on me did he load

till I finally grew up and wised up, too
bought my own horse-power, that was
first a 2-wheeled Honda, then a Harley
candy-apple red, shiny and took myself
over mountains, down into valleys low
vroom, vroom, wherever I wanted to go.

Photo by Fran Now Time-unsplash

Memoir, poetic narrative, Poetry, reflection, travel, women

Day 20 ProlificPulse Mo Po: captures a fleeting nature of happiness.

A Moment of Unexpected Happiness© arlene s bice

It was off to Framingham, Mass one day
driving her treasured Silverado, Anne and I went
while soaking up the unfamiliarity of a new town
bam! back into another pick-up truck, I bumped
ouch, at a traffic light I didn’t see coming

‘twas a small thing to do actually, no harm done
the young fellow, pleasant enough, forgiveness
we smiled, said thank you and on our way
settled into lodgings, we had work to do
pick up furniture the next day, return it
to Jersey for a friend, a favor completed

our next stop, find a tavern for lunch
oddly, open the door under the sign
steps leading up, a second-floor place?
we cautiously took step by step
what were we eerily walking into
opened the door at the top and
surprise! our handsome Irish fellow
behind the bar with his brothers too!

what chance could this happen
a reason for sure, a meaning to it
a reunion as if we were family
and we met all of his, cheerfully
drinks on the house, shared foods
a memorable event to carry away

take care of business the next morn
travel back home again, a memory
savored, never explained, just held
I miss my friend, gone so long ago
yet our adventures still live on
in words written to share with others.

Anne & me in reenactment attire Rev War in my bookshop 1997.