My Favorite Chair- arlene s bice(C)
Some may think a favorite chair
is one to sit in with comfort, where
perhaps you read a favorite book
nestled in a sunny, window nook
a chair in chintz, cheerily over-stuffed
with several pillows all plump and puffed
a chair passed down from great-grandmother
or maybe a relative of some kind or other
a chair all squeaky with groans as you sit at rest
wiggle your tush, to make a satisfying nest
ah, such a picture this all makes just for you
always ready to pick up a book, to start anew
but oh, no! that’s not what comes to mind for me
what I like, is a chair that suits me perfectly to a tee
it’s a chair piled high with wonderful books galore
waiting patiently for their turn to be read before
a new package of books appears at my open door.