This special meeting of the Poet’s Connection will be a poetry reading with contributors to Arlene Bice’s anthology. “An anthology of women on fire! A collection of women coming from all directions of life, aflame to reveal who they are and how they came to be today’s woman! Women’s stories aired for the first time, in print, defiantly, daring you to challenge their choices in life whether they continue a contented life at home tending a happy family or strike out into the wilderness. The modern women of today lived more widely divergent lives than history has shown before. We are living longer with more freedom and taken advantage of a freedom to change oppressive lives to ones that blossomed us into beauties.”
Carol Grever is a recognized poet and nonfiction author. Glimpses, her 2013 poetry collection, won the top Colorado Authors’ League prize. Her memoir, Turnings, won 2017 honors. As an authority on mixed-orientation marriage, she’s interviewed on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Anderson Cooper 360, and The Early Show.
Barbara Burns, Ph.D. Psychologist, Writer, Educator, and amateur Naturalist, currently residing in North Carolina with her partner and cat.
Melanie Winter is Director of Marketing and Content Writer for WinternetWeb Technologies. She creates content for clients to promote marketing and branding in her web development business. Melanie writes for a blog and local community history project and publication.
Tammy Tillotson lives & writes in Chase City, Virginia. She has published poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction online, in print, and in multiple anthologies. Her first chapbook of poems, Lady Fingers, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2012.
Grace McCrowell is a long-standing, active member of the Southside Herbal Society and a serious birder. She is also a former teacher, retired librarian and a spiritual seeker. She is published in several anthologies.
A former Missourian raised with Midwestern sensibilities, good barbecue and the St. Louis Cardinals, Vicki Silverman resides in Los Angeles with her husband and loves having her children and grandchildren living nearby. She is the author of Questions on Topics That Matter, a teacher at heart and a poet who writes about people and life experiences, proudly avoiding any subjects relating to the trivial nuisances technology has unleashed on all of us today.
Arlene s bice is an author, speaker, educator, and editor. She hosts Poetry in Nature on selective Sundays,
is a member of TAF, IWWG and founding member of Warren Artists’ Market. She lives in South Hill, Virginia. She is also the editor and contributing author to What it is to be a Woman.
Lisa Tomey is a poet, author, podcaster, and editor. She has been a member of Living Poetry since 2012 and is currently one of the organizers. Her “baby” is Poet’s Connection which is a group to unite poets, develop skills, and to share poetry with others.
Good one.
Looking forward to Saturday!