UncategorizedSSS- CLIP November 12, 2020 Arlene so what if there is a pandemic so what if beauty salons closed so what if I face the big challenge who cares what other people say who is gonna see it anyway who, me – clip, clip, clip Published by Arlene View all posts by Arlene
Go for it! Love this six. And so true the pandemic has caused some bad hair days and DIY trimming dilemmas. Reply
There have been many who have taken to cutting their own hair since the beginning of the year. All of them have more courage than I, lol Reply
Haha… Love the piece. I personally prefer to let my mom handle the clipping instead of doing it myself. Reply
Great and so timely! I am getting ready to do the same.
it’s easy, right!
I figure it grows back.
I thought of hair clippings, but alas, baldness abounds and I can’t identify! HA… Great six.
Bald is sexy on guys these days. . .not so on women. hahaha. thanks.
It reminds me of the days when I used to clip my own hair.
Cool. a guy’s hair is tougher to get right unless it is longer or you have buzz clippers.
Go for it! Love this six. And so true the pandemic has caused some bad hair days and DIY trimming dilemmas.
Thanks. Besides, it grows back again.
There have been many who have taken to cutting their own hair since the beginning of the year. All of them have more courage than I, lol
It’s good practice in making mistakes and living briefly with them:-)
Haha… Love the piece.
I personally prefer to let my mom handle the clipping instead of doing it myself.
You are one of the lucky ones. . . .