Christmas season, Poetry, snow, women's stories


Folks who are in the know realize that poetry makes one’s life better and healthier. Reading poetry is known to lower blood pressure without chemicals or drugs. SIMPLY PUT is poetry for the every day; poetry that you can understand even at the first reading. No symbols or puzzling phrases to work out. It’s the right size for slipping into your bag or pocket to take with you to any waiting room or line you need to stand in. It reduces stress to zero.

the bear warms in his cave
woodchuck snuggles away
with other forest creatures
beaver submerges under
his sticks and logs

new fallen snow is ground cover
keeps it warm for winter
the creek trickles along
slipping its way thru lacy ice
moving on to bigger places

snuggled in my reading chair
I wrap the afghan tighter
around my body for warmth

all creatures of habit

For a signed or inscribed copy, send email to: $10 plus $2. Shipping.

Poetry, reflection, snow, Uncategorized


DSCF4089 Arlene Sandra Bice 2016.1.26

How is it, when I step out the day after
when everything is still covered by 6 inches
of snow
this solitary leaf
dressed in autumn colors
lays above it all

How does that happen on this day
it sinks into the wet stuff uncovered
by snow
where has it come from
this lonely leaf
bold to be alone

How is it making a mark in this life
leaving an imprint when I pick it up
the snow
doesn’t touch the veins or the tips
yet lays everywhere else
I cannot put it down

the leaf comes inside with me.



American History, books, historical taverns, New Jersey history, poetic narrative, Poetry, snow, Uncategorized


The_Afternoon_Crowd_Cover_for_Kindlejpg If you are planning to cozy up with a good book after a day of creating snow sculptures, here is a brief excerpt from THE AFTERNOON CROWD.

Arlene S. Bice © 2016.1.24.

they came with bruised, calloused hands coarser than sandpaper
to lift a shot of whiskey chased by a cold mug of beer, a reward
for hard work done out in the elements, thanks not given, except
what they gave themselves; not a lot of time to linger; even on
Christmas Day horses had regular schedules to keep and these
workers were there to keep ‘em

they came from all parts of the country, from Canada, and the
Caribbean, landed here in the center of New Jersey, to work on
one particular horse farm or another; how did they find us,
I wondered
some from the west or mid-west; wasn’t that a
reversal of history?

They came as owners
water boys
stable hands

more on the list
of guys & gals
hard working
no shifting duties
either you were good
carrying your own weight or you were out

the owners came more often in the evening, for dinner
when the daytime bar folks did not; or they came for a
few celebratory drinks after the races were over

one trainer/owner
who I happened to like above others
usually a pleasant fellow
a common sense guy
never nasty or stupid
always came in alone;

this day he came in, dragging
he carried the look of the lonely on him
I knew he was married and I knew not happily
and I knew this day that his trouble was the
wife, not the horses;
a man has a certain look about him when it is
a woman that weighs on his mind; my heart
went out to him as my ears just listened, that
was all he wanted and couldn’t get anywhere
else to go along with his shot and beer

a year later, when he came in our positions were
“good god, you look terrible!” he said, “what’s
happened to you?’ etc. etc. etc.

Poetry, reflection, snow, Uncategorized, writing prompt



It’s been a few days now, that we have been snowed in. Isn’t it lovely? Once you know you can’t get to the workplace, you can relax and enjoy it. I hope you have. Here is a little poem that reflects how I learned to accept what Mother Nature sends to us, since I moved to the forests of North Carolina.

Arlene S. Bice © 2016.1.22.

It was only last year
the nine years previous, too
when I looked at the sky to know
that it was going to snow

and when I woke
the ground covered in white
peace blanketed the entire day
lovely to spend it this way

no need to run out
for eggs, bacon, and bread
the fridge is full, pantry, too
no emergencies to do

so I can use the day
with music thru the house
making biscuits, lots of butter
writing words to softly mutter

a day of staying in
enjoying it without the stress
just gazing out the window
reading, singing, about snow

without the TV hype
the day shows up different
positive, homey, no employ
a day of beauty to enjoy.