Since it is near the end of the year 2013, a good time for browsing through files, going over the past, readying for the future, I came across this item in my folder.
In 2005: I found this poem while cleaning out the attic for the big move to the South. This is how son Kenneth Bice Morrison wrote and set the poem six months before he passed away in an auto accident. Hopefully the young woman he wrote it for happens to read it.
Jan ‘82
I remember
the ferria in Seville
and Rota
and in some town tween there
and a bull fight in Sanlucar.
going for a ride in a rent-a-car.
I remember
way too much drinking
far to few
moments spent with you.
I remember
picking flowers
partying at late hours
your fear of height in a tall church tower.
I remember
in love.
of the way it used 2 B
brings a fear rushing over me
Wraps around my heart
A crazy love
I live imprisoned by a forsaken love
It does NOT have to be this way. . .
Absolutely beautiful.
He was blessed with a love many seek and many do not achieve. Beautiful.
Arlene, seem like only yesterday we were all sitting in your kitchen in Bordentown. Kenny was a great friend. We all still miss him.
Isn’t it great to have good times to remember?