
From: What it is to be a Woman-poem by Jyoti Wind

Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay =thank you.

To Be a Woman© Jyoti Wind 

Generations of servitude,

always others first.

Here we stand

learning boundaries,

saying No,

feeling good about

having choice,

standing in our power,

inspiring sisters

to do the same,

learning new ways

of being in the world

than what was given.

Turning to ash

the ways of our mothers,

inviting our daughters

to surpass us.

First Friday Poetry Night, Poetry, Warren FoodWorks


       book photo                     


A friend, who missed coming to FFPN at the Warren FoodWorks last week, asked me what I read. Attempting to step into the absent Thomas’ shoes, not an easy task-he is a natural emcee, I read a bit more than usual. As he is always asking everyone “Why do you write?” Reading one of my pieces from Jyoti Wind’s, The Creative Arc, An Anthology on Writing, seemed appropriate. My well-read copy is pictured here. Reading again and since WH Auden is one of many favorite poets, I read:
“A poet is, before anything else, a person
who is passionately in love with language.”
W.H. Auden (1907-1973)
This quote from one of my favorite poets
sits with truth on my lips, slides down to
my heart and nestles there, as it finds a home.

In love with language, words that tickle me,
making me laugh; sometimes outright giggle
words can impress me with their sincerity
depress me without any reason just because
they are a word that forms an unhappy picture.

Poets take these words and move them around
write one higher on the line to make it jump
or rest quietly to let you sigh, take a deep breath
be happy to see it, special words can be italic
to touch you, you will remember those words
so precious that they imprint on your mind
and stay there

Bards play with accents as in persona poems
where you use the voice of another, allowing
your words to come from their mouth or is it
their words from your pen, after stepping into
their shoes, testing their waters, feeling how
someone else thinks. Is that possible?

Or is it guesswork and misunderstanding.
Playing with words on paper is part of that
love of language; moving them around
forming an outline of a heart or a tree
simply for pure delight. The power of a
printed word is image, to impress another
or catch their eye while playing like a child
hoping to leave a mark on the reader.
Arlene Sandra Bice © 3/2015

anthology, books, wormen writing


   Over a period of ten years, I attended the Annual International Women Writers’ Conference of Remember the Magic at Skidmore in Saratoga Springs, New York. Each year I came away with writing ideas and guidance that had never entered my mind. I also attended A Writing Retreat weekends in Ohio where the same thing happened. I came home filled with enthusiasm and different approaches to writing.

Changing where you write is something that enhances your writing, gives a fresh new look to something you may have been working on for awhile. Writers need writers. It’s absolutely fulfilling to sit and talk with other writers. There is something about it, not quite like looking into a mirror but a sharing of struggle, accomplishment; of maybe sharing the same talent. An ending you’ve been scratching around for; some little pocket of information that has escaped you.

With that said, let me introduce you to an opportunity that may be just what you need:

DSCF3607 Two books by Jyoti Wind; one written and one edited

The Revolution of Writing
A Women’s Writing Seminar
What if a group of women gathered to write, to express themselves, voicing thoughts and feelings that would have been heretical 150 years ago, let alone the conversation and dress. What if this innocuous writing group was a front for a different model, a present day model of revolution.

Using Fairy Tales, Guided Meditation, Labyrinth walk, and writing prompts, we will have an opportunity to share heartfelt experiences, enhance our writing agility, and open mind-doors to other ways of perceiving life.
Move away from the harbor where you presently are and journey down the coast of our collective evolution.
Please join me for this 2 day Writing Seminar in beautiful Boulder, CO this Summer on July 18 and 19, 2015. Saturday and Sunday, 10-4PM. $200. Each day we will have a 1 ½ hour break for lunch. Lunch is on your own.

Exact location given on registration and payment.

Consider coming ahead of time or staying afterwards to enjoy what Boulder and the surrounding mountainous region has to offer. For hotel and dining info: www.gocolorado.com/Boulder/Hotels

Jyoti Wind has been a writer of poetry and prose since childhood. She has facilitated women’s writing groups for 12 years, led workshops on self-publishing, been a member of The Poetry Society of Colorado and the International Women’s Writing Guild. She also edits manuscripts and coaches those stepping into the self-publishing field. Jyoti has self-published 8 books, including 4 anthologies. Her work has been published in Elephant Journal, Crone Magazine, and various blogs and newsletters.
jyotiwind@gmail.com Payment through Paypal or check to: 2635 Mapleton Ave. #9, Boulder, CO 80304 303.541-9106

general, Poetry, writing

More on the Drunken Sorceress

DSCF3180Nearly a year ago Thomas (Park) came up with the idea of putting together an anthology of poetry. Of course I said, “Good idea!”
So it began. We sent out invitations to writers we know across the country. Following is a list of the people whose talented words you will be reading in poem or prose form in Sitting with a Drunken Sorceress, the title poem of Thomas’.
D. Bernard Alston, Devonte’ Alston, Arlene S.Bice, Carrie Champion, Susanne Doucet, Rebecca Dutton, Otis Evans, LaVerne Gardner, Margaret Griffin, Elizabeth Groeger, Kate Guilford, Nancy Iak, Patricia Lapidus, ET Malone, Parker Mincey, Mary Ann Myers, Nancy Cassada Nelson, Eleanore Newbauer, Thomas Park,Jack Peachum, Gary Peterson, Abigail Pillitteri, Judith Prest, Mike Ranes, Thom Record, Kaylee A Roach, Seth Saeugling, Savannah Short, Mary Sullivan, Robert J. Surrette, Hilda Ward, Anita Merriweather Williams, Jyoti Wind,
We were working toward a totally unrealistic publishing date of June 2013, but then writers often work with fantasy. So we pushed the date ahead to September which could possibly have been attained. But alas, the little leprechaun that lives in my house, popped up to cause a few more road blocks. He likes me to know he is alive, well and in control.

Our dear friend, greatly talented artist JA Person was to have his original art work on the cover of the book. In between taking photos of his art work and getting his written permission, JA died. Suddenly. Out of respect for his talent and our friendship, we attempted to have someone in the family sign over one-time copyright for the piece. Sadly, his aging mother passed away shortly after.

We extended the deadline again to come up with new cover art. Next we planned a Holiday Season release just in time for gift-giving.

OMG! The ‘proof’ came back from the printers with the uncorrected copyright page showing JA’s name. Uh-oh. The manuscript had to go back to the printer with the correct information. Uh-oh. The second ‘proof’ was not corrected, either.

Now, surely, Sitting with a Drunken Sorceress will be available for purchasing before the new year.

Hmmmm. I wonder about that drunken sorceress.