Poetry, women

From: What it is to be a Woman- Women Marching

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

women marching© arlene s bice

i watched the huge masses of women

gathered together

around the world

they protested the usurpation of their rights

fending off the danger of a new administration

ignoring the constitution that supports

our country and progress

women kicked to a lower rung on the ladder

by leaders fed off their powerful positions

voted in by many of these very same women

arrived by car, train, or plane

walkers filled streets, sidewalks, and mall

shoulder to shoulder, politeness reigned

with silent power of consideration

each overflowed with peace and energy.

*January 2017 there were 675 marches worldwide,

over 4 million marchers according to the Women’s

March on Washington official website.


From: What it is to be a Woman-poem by Jyoti Wind

Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay =thank you.

To Be a Woman© Jyoti Wind 

Generations of servitude,

always others first.

Here we stand

learning boundaries,

saying No,

feeling good about

having choice,

standing in our power,

inspiring sisters

to do the same,

learning new ways

of being in the world

than what was given.

Turning to ash

the ways of our mothers,

inviting our daughters

to surpass us.


The Tree of Woman from What it is to be a Woman

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

The Tree of Woman© Lynn Szostek    

Roots, shoots, fruits

A woman thou art these

From tiny seedling rooted deep

Grown tall and strong, a tree

With branches reaching far and wide

Stemming from her core

They find the sun and catch the rain

And sway through any storm 

Though leaves may change and some may shed

A branch may break or bend

Just when you think her time is done She blossoms once again.

Ten Things of Thankful

ten things of thankful

Photo by picjumbo.com on Pexels.com
  1. This week I’m thankful for April being Poetry Month with 30-day challenges. It got my poetry pen writing again after a dry spell.
  2. I’m so glad walking around the block has come easier and without gasping for breath.
  3. Dreams. I’ve been have lengthy dreams of action in full color, like films.
  4. For coloring books of Jane Austen and cat themes. I’d rather be painting but these have filled in until I get the brushes out again. It is relaxing, on the sunporch with the Captain on my lap and sometimes on my shoulder.
  5. Gorgeous blooming bushers, bridal bushes, azaleas, etc. and flowering trees are bountiful this spring.
  6. A small individual electric griddle that is so cute and so convenient for one.
  7. For my everyday salad with kale that keeps my heart happy and pumping.
  8. For positive comments on Running with the Horses. They are encouraging.
  9. For the healing process that doesn’t give up if I don’t. The human body is an amazing miracle.
  10. 10, For small miracles that happen every day. Too many people are too busy to notice.

pspoetry-Day 29-favorite modern poet

Photo by George Becker on Pexels.com

Favorite modern-day poet:

“Everything Is Waiting for You” by David Whyte

 arlene s bice . . .

Your written words speak to me

You direct me, lead me, guide me

With those words,

When you read them

A bit of Irish lilt slips out


Making your words


Why fight it

I invite them in

Hold them, revisit them

When needed

And sometimes just for pleasure.