American History, anthology, Canal Street, WOMEN'S OPEN FORUM


DSCF3546Great presentation last Saturday! Thank you so much for your words, your wit, especially your wit, and sharing your personal stories. Everyone loved it as I knew they would. I was totally surprised at the large number of women who came in such bad weather conditions! And the Clarksville crowd, too!

Canal Street, coffee, espresso, writing group poetry

Writing Group Coffee


Our Monday writing group has published its second annual chapbook, titled Heartspeak. From writing prompts, seeds are planted that become words, words strung together become thoughts, placed on paper, these thoughts become poems, essays, and stories.
Some poetry is for remembering and some for remembering with pure joy to bring a grin to your winter face. Please enjoy one of my contributions. The thought of it warms me on a wintry day.
No longer coffee for me
Brought up on toast & tea
I do have memories so sweet
of driving nights to Canal Street
NYC that is.

A tiny cup of espresso
dark, foamy, compresso
sided with an Italian delight
flaky, whipped cream on sight
the best ever.

By my side, my Italian stud
silver-haired, full Italian blood
oh, yes I have memories of coffee
some with anisette or flavored toffee
all wonderful.
Arlene Sandra Bice ©2014