APPARITION Visible form of a ghost.
CHANNELER Channeling is the process of receiving and relaying information from an outside entity while in an altered state of consciousness.
CLAIRAUDIENCE Psychic ability to hear voices and other auditory phenomena.
CLAIRAUDIENT Also Supranormal, hearing/receiving messages from those passed over.
CLAIRVOYANCE Knowledge accessed without the use of physical senses.
COWRIE SHELLS Porcelain-like sea snail shells considered having mystical powers..
EMF Electronic magnetic frequencies that detect disruptions in the area.
ESP Extra-sensory perception, beyond physical senses.
EVP Electronic voice phenomena.
GHOST HUNTER A person investigates ghostly activity usually with electronic equipment.
HOT SPOT An area within a haunted place that contains high activity.
K-II Reports
EMF Measurements in ranges.
MEDIUM One who communicates with entities in the spirit world.
ORBS Spheres caught by camera that show entities left behind.
PASSED AWAY Used in place of died because the spirit, or soul, doesn’t die.
PLANCHETTE A device used to receive messages from a spirit.
PRECOGNITION Foresight; intuition.
PHENOMENA Events that contradict physical laws..
PSYCHOKINESIS Ability to move an object by thinking about it.
SMUDGING An age-old tribal tradition used to create cleansing, harmony, and peace
SYNCHRONICITY Meaningful, seemingly coincidental events that are life-altering.
TAROT CARDS Used as playing cards in 1400s Italy; identified as Egyptian “Book of Thoth”
TELEPATHY Picking up another person’s thoughts.
VEIL A layer of skin over the face at birth; indicates psychic perception.