

APPARITION      Visible form of a ghost.

CHANNELER           Channeling is the process of receiving and relaying information from an                                 outside entity while in an altered state of consciousness. 

CLAIRAUDIENCE      Psychic ability to hear voices and other auditory phenomena.

CLAIRAUDIENT     Also Supranormal, hearing/receiving messages from those  passed over.

CLAIRVOYANCE   Knowledge accessed without the use of physical senses.

COWRIE SHELLS    Porcelain-like sea snail shells considered having mystical powers..

EMF                         Electronic magnetic frequencies that detect disruptions in the area.

ESP                          Extra-sensory perception, beyond physical senses.   

EVP                          Electronic voice phenomena.

GHOST HUNTER     A person investigates ghostly activity usually with electronic equipment.

HOT SPOT                 An area within a haunted place that contains high activity.

K-II                            Reports

EMF                          Measurements in ranges.

MEDIUM                   One who communicates with entities in the spirit world.

ORBS                         Spheres caught by camera that show entities left behind.

PASSED AWAY        Used in place of died because the spirit, or soul, doesn’t die.

PLANCHETTE          A device used to receive messages from a spirit.      

PRECOGNITION      Foresight; intuition.

PHENOMENA          Events that contradict physical laws..

PSYCHOKINESIS    Ability to move an object by thinking about it.

SMUDGING              An age-old tribal tradition used to create cleansing, harmony, and peace                

SYNCHRONICITY  Meaningful, seemingly coincidental events that are life-altering.

TAROT CARDS        Used as playing cards in 1400s Italy; identified as Egyptian “Book of Thoth”

TELEPATHY             Picking up another person’s thoughts.

VEIL                       A layer of skin over the face at birth; indicates psychic perception.  


Living with Ghosts. . . .true stories

Bordentown & Burlington (NJ) Hauntings

Most of my adult life I read books on life after life, life before life, and living with ghostly spirits. They fascinated me, even more so after I began having paranormal moments from time time myself. I never expected to have these experiences. They just happened. I wanted to learn more and to understand what these moments were all about.

            The story in this book of a Bordentown, (NJ) haunting began with Audrey more than 60 years ago. It continued with my, and my mother’s, “moments” and later with Veronica and her children’s experiences. It’s proved to be an interesting lineage.

            I loved that house and living in it from 1972 to 1982. It’s also where I experienced my first peek into the afterlife with the form of a little girl. It was a very sweet, reassuring moment. Here is a small excerpt from Veronica’s teenage daughter Morgan: One morning at 3 a.m., I woke to hear my Ipod blasting! It nearly freaked me out! That has never happened to me before. Someone has to actually press play for it to turn on. It isn’t something that would slip on easily or without actual intent. Another time at 3 a.m.. a man was coughing and making noises like he was right here next to me. I have a cell phone with pictures-mostly black-taken during the night that I didn’t take!


LIVING WITH GHOSTS True Stories of New Jersey

Excerpt from:
Under the Moon Café’
Estela and Santiago were so successful in their separate businesses that a much larger location was needed for each.  They decided to merge their talents into one location. Under the Moon Café was relocated in the much larger space in the former, long-time location of the Miller-Magowan Men’s Clothing Store on Farnsworth Avenue.
Remodeling is often the first thing to do when buying a building to rearrange it to suit your business. It is also the very thing that wakens sleeping spirits and gets them moving around in an old space. That is what happened in the new location for Under the Moon Café.    
     Santiago’s creative juices started flowing with ideas on remodeling to give the building a totally Under the Moon Café look.
Charlie soon made his first appearance to Estela.
 Estela said,  “There is an old man dressed in all black. He wears a tall hat and a long coat.  I call him Charlie. He plays with the coffee machine. Turn it on. Turn it off. Turn it on. Turn it off. At first I didn’t know it was Charlie. I called the company about the machine. ‘It turns on and off by itself,’ I told them.  They came out to check the machine.
     They said the machine works perfectly fine. Then I knew it was Charlie. I said, ‘Charlie, if you want to play, you can play.’ He played with the cups and the Chimichanga glasses. Not like he drops them, he places them gently. I see them fly through the air but not like being thrown; he does it gently.
     Often when Santiago goes into the basement to bring up supplies, somebody will tap him on the shoulder. He will look over his shoulder.  Nobody is there. At times a strong smell, not unpleasant, will permeate the air. Other times, voices are heard. Employees remark that they, too, experience the same things when they go down there!”  Full story in Living with Ghosts at Amazon.com

Living with Ghosts!

Bordentown & Burlington City Hauntings

OMG! It’s a great time to read ghost stories, real, true ghost stories.

Here are a few excerpts from Living with Ghosts

BORDENTOWN, NEW JERSEY  The Shadow Cat & More           -Lora’s Tale…

“We were talking as I glanced over to what would be my daughter’s room off to the right of me. The shadow of a cat strolled out of her room, walked down the hallway right past me. Just walking, right past me! ‘Well,’ I thought. ‘That is interesting. A cat that is just a shadow.’ I didn’t say anything.”

Mill Street  –    Red’s Stories of the Past

One night John went to the outhouse, which had a little window in it. While he was sitting there he looked up and saw the Devil looking in at him. When he ran out the door, he saw the Devil was half person, half goat. He ran to the house screaming “it’s the Devil! It’s the Devil.” The next morning when he and the farmhand went out to the outhouse they found hoof prints all around the outhouse.

The White House-  The Sara and Trevor Story

His skilled hands worked intently as his mind concentrated on the issue. Becoming distracted, he glanced over the room.  He saw the head of a man floating along from the bedroom into what was to become the private bathroom!

$15.00 at Amazon.com


About books as gifts. . .

Books make great gifts that are kept close to forever. Readers don’t toss their books out when they are finished reading them. They keep them on the shelf to return to for either reference, research or just have a friend on the shelf nearby. Books signed by the author make great, personal Christmas gifts. When I had my used book shop, I often came across inscriptions, sometimes by the author and sometimes by the gift giver. Nearly always dated. Ah, geez, I loved reading those and holding the books in my hands to gain the loving energy still left in that book. The love almost leapt off the page. Some were obviously from Mom, some were to Dad. Others were from friends or lovers. How sweet is that?

Think about giving books as gifts this year. Choose them with the person in mind; maybe challenge them to read a different genre than they usually read. Think of the discussions you can share later.

Those of you in Bordentown, if you have friends who moved away from town for whatever reason, job, family, retirement,-send a book on Bordentown. The Arcadia series are such good books to have on the shelf.

Major Fraser’s is nearly out of print. I’m thinking of updating it and maybe expanding more about the Fraser family. Anyone have any opinions on that? Let me know if you do. That house looks as new as it did when it was built way back when.

American History, hauntings, living with ghosts, paranormal, psychic phenomena


The ghosts that I have come across are not the rotted out bodies dripping with blood rising from a grave in a mysterious, forgotten cemetery. They are more like people who loved their home so much that they couldn’t bear to leave it, people who didn’t realize they were dead, and sometimes people just saying good-bye to loved ones before heading toward the light. It can be a very comforting experience if you are open-minded without horror stories lurking in the back of your mind.

One house noted in Ghostly Spirits in Warren County & Beyond has many ghosts and spirits living there and also some just passing through. A while after our interview an invitation came for me to attend a tea party with the ghost children who lived there. It was an unusual experience but not as unusual as the request that came later for them to come visit me in my home! I thought about that a bit before agreeing. After all, they were gracious enough to invite me. They came, giggling and smiling, happy little kids, giving me their names this time. It helped me to look at death very differently.

The passion of history often has a lot to do with a person’s spirit being held to the earth plane, especially on a battlefield where so many died at such young ages.. I went to Gettysburg once, rising early in the morning, before sunrise during the off-tourist season. I sat in Little Round Top and felt the enormous sadness wash over me. I didn’t see any of the ghosts that many have seen. I thought of the cries of those shot down so senselessly. Many of those fallen had no true idea of what it was all about. Why they felt they had to march off to war because some politicians were afraid they would be losing money with the new laws. War is always about the money hiding behind ideals spoken aloud.

American History, books, Bordentown, living with ghosts

Frasers Visit Me at 3 a.m.

Writers often mention how, once begun, a story takes over and goes off in its own direction. It exercises a power leading the writer in the way it wants to be told. This is so true in reference to the book Major Fraser’s. The spirit of those who lived at 201 Prince Street was emerging as if from the woodwork and overpowers my thoughts and my fingers as I type their histories. They stay with me throughout the day, becoming my constant companions even when I’m not at the computer. The bond between houses and people lay in the back of my mind and smolder there.
The writing of the story began when the present owner of the house, John, asked me if I would put his massive collection of information on the house in order. I misunderstood and thought he wanted me to research the house from its earliest inhabitants and put them in book form. I believe there are no accidents in life only events that happen for a reason.
When I completed the work and presented it to John, he was surprised. He had no idea that I was writing a book for him, yet was pleased with the end result. I was finished, or so I thought.
The story would not let go of me. It stayed with me, nagging at me. I dreamed of the inhabitants who lived at that address as if they are my ancestors waiting to be brought to the drawing room to be introduced to company. The Major’s wife and family came to me, waking me at 3 a.m. pleading with me to tell their story, too.
So I asked John if I may publish his story. As the frame of a house wants filling in, adding to it; so the histories of some people want to be brought forth. With his permission, my research expanded.
Facts kept falling into place like a child’s puzzle. Information that I couldn’t find before, popped up in front of me. Material that came to me from the Internet was searched and researched in print form for accuracy. Of course errors are made in print also, especially when transcribing forms from the 1600s and 1700s.
Alas, in this day of the Information Highway, new facts are always coming to the surface. I expended hour after hour to prove what I wrote was the truth…….at least as someone had seen it and I believed it.
The Farnsworth family first grabbed onto me. There were a few different lines of Farnsworths that came to the Colonies early. It was devilish trying to keep them separate.
A few stories were extended because they were just too good to let lay in a drawer somewhere. A chuckle told me that not all our ancestors were serious and respectable was definitely welcome after hours of dry, dusty words.
Another particular family story, that of the Fraser’s, held me tight. It was as if Major Fraser wanted his honor and respect for his military record to stand on its own merit. His wife, Mrs. Anne Loughton Smith Fraser came to me at night, (they were visits, not dreams) told me where to seek her background; the family she came from with their honorable saga of settling in the Charleston, South Carolina area. Every place she guided me to, had the information I needed. With her maiden name of Smith, the search could have been difficult, if not downright impossible, without going to Charleston. Wow, what a way to research!
Not to be put aside, the Fraser children tugged at my shirttails, letting me know that they, too, became a part of history in our still young country. It was a wonder that I got any sleep at all with all this company coming to me at night.
Their stories left Bordentown to extend outside the United States borders, but were too good not to include. Caroline Georgina attached hers, through the love of a prince, to France. Caroline Georgina’s twin, William eventually settled in Washington D.C. I think about his selling horses to the Union Army during the American War Between The States. He must have been torn by this war between the north and the south and the two homes he was raised in.
On a visit to the Wilson Library in Chapel Hill, North Carolina I held in my hands, Jane Winter Fraser’s hand-written books, written for her nieces and nephews, from her days in Bordentown. Rampant emotions ran through me as I struggled to decipher her hand writing. I heard her whispers in my ear. She was whispering in my ear while I was reading her book! I kept looking around to see if anyone was noticing. Becoming too unsettled, I finally copied page after page of her book to take home to decipher.
Her sister Maria Fraser blazed trails in the west. Because she was coming to me at night and woouldn’t let me go either, I continued to search and to record what I found.
The Major fought valiantly on the side of the British during the Revolutionary War. Bordentown was a majority of Patriots but forgiving after the War of some Loyalists, certainly where the Major and his family were concerned. By the time he came to Bordentown peace had returned to a nation still building itself.
After the War he settled into plantation life of South Carolina. In summer he brought his family north, first to Philadelphia then by invitation from his friend Dr. William Burns to Bordentown. He was leaving behind the fatal diseases of the heat that invaded their own southern home and often the city of Philadelphia.
Out of his eleven children several of them later made Bordentown their primary home, even buying property of their own after the Major died in 1820.
His daughter Caroline Georgina’s marrying Prince Lucien Murat, nephew of Joseph and Napoleon Bonaparte, probably influenced folks to continue calling the house by a name given to it two hundred years ago. It is still referred to as “Major Fraser’s” house.
It is their visits to me in the middle of the night that encouraged me to continue writing their family stories and publishing them, so this part of history will not be left in some dusty storeroom and forgotten.


Ghostly Spirits of Warren County, NC & Beyond

Yeah! It is finally here! Now you can read personal stories from those who have met ghosts and experienced the supernatural. Local legends are in there. Stories brought to the Lake Gaston area by people you may know are included. You can read about the book and excerpts from it at this location:  http://booklocker.com/books/6459.html

I don’t have them in hand yet, but my order is on the way. Check it out on the Booklocker website to get the first copies available.


Ghostly Visits

It really is quite common for a newly passed away person to stop for a final visit with a loved one, or even just a casual acquaintance. Whether it is a parting kiss or a message saying that all is okay or a peek at someone they wanted to see in real life and had not, is a query. But common it is and I do not consider this a haunting or a sign that a ghost is coming to stay in your house.

Also it sometimes happens that a person passes away and does not realize it. As in Ghosts of Bordentown Gay states “Mom, it’s the strangest thing. I wake up and hear sounds of someone brushing their teeth.” The former, elderly owner of the house took to the habit of brushing her teeth in bed after she broke her hip. Apparently she didn’t realize at first, that she passed away. This faded after a time.

The same situation occurs in “Spirit Doesn’t Know She Is Dead” Heidi’s Story coming up in Ghostly Spirits in Warren County, NC & Beyond. Apparently some take a little longer to realize they aren’t on the earth plane anymore.